You, the patient, are the most important person in our office. We are committed to providing you with the best possible medical care. Excellence is our goal. Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions you may have about your health plan, medical treatment or any other questions you may have.

Telephones are answered: Monday, Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Physician Hours:
Monday, Wednesday: 8:30 – 12:00 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday : 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

For test results, we will contact you by telephone or mail. Please call our office for results if you have not been contacted by our office within 3-5 days of having a test.

All prescriptions and refill requests should requested during normal office hours. Please have your pharmacy call our office at (301) 447-3310 or by fax at (301) 447-5851 for renewal of medication. Also call 24 – 48 hours before your prescription is empty.

Medical Records:
It is the policy of Emmitsburg Osteopathic Primary Care Center, Inc. to not release “original” medical records or “copies” generated by another provider to a patient for personal use or to hand carry to another provider.

Emmitsburg Osteopathic Primary Care Center, Inc. will copy and transfer records to another provider at no cost to the patient upon receipt of a completed and signed medical records release.

For appointments, please call (301) 447-3310.

Please call in advance for routine office visits. Make follow-up appointments as you leave. All patients need to bring their medications with them to their office visits so we have up-to-date records of prescriptions being used.

We make every effort to stay on schedule, although emergencies arise. You may call our office prior to leaving for your appointment to see if we are on schedule. If we are behind ask the receptionist how many charts are ahead of you. Calculate 15 minutes for each chart and we will hold your place.

As a courtesy to other patients and staff, please call the office as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment or are going to be late. Outstanding balances are expected at the time of service.

Financial Policy:
Co-payments, deductibles, co-insurance, and any outstanding balances are expected at the time of service.

We realize that emergencies do arise that may affect timely payment of your account. If such does occur, please contact a billing representative at (877) 942-6138.

If we are not a participating provider with your health plan, we will file your claim as courtesy. If the claim is not paid within 45 days, we ask that you contact your health plan and request payment.

Please always notify our office of any change in name, address, email, phone number or insurance information.

Prior to your appointment, please check your insurance information so you will be informed about referrals, co-payments, and any deductible required at the time of the visit. We also accept: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

For your first visit, please bring your insurance card and arrive 10 minutes early to complete the necessary patient information forms. You may also complete required forms by visiting our “Patient Forms” section of this website and printing them, and bringing them with you to your appointment.

Your health insurance contract is between you and your insurance company. Any complaints regarding your coverage should be directed to your carrier.

Patient Responsibilities:
• To inform the Medical Practice staff of any pertinent changes in insurance, employment, demographic information or relationships with other care/service givers. To arrive on time for scheduled appointments and cancel, when necessary, with a phone call.

• To notify us of any change in your health status.

• To follow the recommended treatment plan and inform the staff of any physical or mental impairment requiring special accommodation.

• To ask questions if directions and procedures are not understood.

What Our Patients Can Expect From Us:
• To treat with respect, dignity and to be informed of his/her care needs to make appropriate decisions.

• Help plan his/her care and make changes to it.

• To have his/her records kept confidential except when consent has been given.

• To expect services to be professional, timely and appropriate.

• To communicate his/her complaints to the Medical Practice Manager and expect to receive follow-up without negative repercussions or changes in service.

• To receive care without discrimination due to race, religion, age, sex, disability or ethnic origin.

Our Practice Manager
Nancy Manahan


121 - 123 W Main St. Emmitsburg, MD 21727

Call Us

(301) 447-3310

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